A Group is a framework used to collectively manage multiple projects. It organizes the relationships and dependencies among these projects, providing a unified and efficient management system. By grouping projects together, it simplifies processes such as building, testing, and deploying, ensuring that all projects within the group are consistently handled.
Key Features of a Group#
- Unified Management: Manage multiple projects together under a single entity.
- Collective Operations: Perform operations like build, test, and remove on all projects within a Group simultaneously.
- Organized Structure: Projects within a Group are organized under a common directory path and package name.
Group Object Model#
Groups can be defined and managed using YAML configuration files. This allows for easy setup and modification of Group details. A typical Group configuration in YAML might look like this:
Type: Group
Name: UserManagementGroup
Tags: [backend, user-management]
Name: UserManagement
Path: src/user_management
Package: [com, example, user]
For more detailed information on the Group Object Model, refer to the Group Object Model.
Creating Group#
To initialize a new group, use the group submit
Listing Groups#
To list all available groups, use the group list
Group Details#
To view details of a specific group, use the group describe
Removing Group#
To remove a group, use the group remove
Grouping Projects#
Projects within a Group can be collectively processed using the Group name. For example, under the "ProductService" Group, projects like ProductApi
and ProductCore
can be deleted, built, and tested simultaneously using the Group name. These projects can reside within the Group's directory path and be grouped under the Group's package name.
When a project is within a Group, the project access ID is used in the format groupname\projectname
. If you want to build all projects within a Group, you can use the following command: