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Project Submit#

Command: project submit

Shorthands: p s

The project submit command is used to create a new Project structure(s). The project can be created by providing --file flag to specify the path to a configuration file.


pars project submit [flags]



Name Datatype Required Default Description
--file, -f file true "" Create project(s) from manifest file
--no-init boolean true false Create project(s) declaration only
--workspace, -w workspace false current_workspace Name of the workspace where the project is located


  • Aliases -f
  • Datatype: file
  • Type: text
  • Schema: ApplicationProjectObjectModel
  • Multiplicity: Optional
  • Description: New project manifest file location
  • Valid Values: current_folder, absoulute_path_to_folder, absoulute_path_to_file, relative_path_to_folder, relative_path_to_file


The --file flag is used to specify the path to directories or files. It supports various forms of paths including current directory (.), relative paths, absolute paths, and specific files. This flag can be used one or more times within a command.


  • The --file flag can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple paths.
  • Ensure that the paths provided with the --file flag are accessible and the configuration file is valid to avoid errors during command execution.
  • The --file flag can be used to automate the creation of projects with predefined configurations.

Supported Path Formats

  • Current Directory (.): Specifies the current working directory from which the command is being executed. This is useful for operations that need to be performed in the current directory without specifying the full path.

  • Relative Directory or File: Specifies a path relative to the current working directory. This allows for flexibility in specifying paths without needing the full directory structure.

  • Absolute Directory or File: Specifies the full path to a directory or file, starting from the root of the filesystem. This is useful when the exact location of the file or directory is known.


You can use suggestions to list available paths. To do this, simply press Tab to proceed. For more details, please visit our Path Autocompletion and Filtering Guide.


Specify Current Directory

pars project submit --file .
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj (in 239 ms). Restore succeeded.

LogServiceProject (1) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj (in 225 ms). Restore succeeded.

UserServiceProject (2) Project created

Specify a Relative Directory

pars project submit --file ./samples/
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj (in 239 ms). Restore succeeded.

LogServiceProject (1) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj (in 225 ms). Restore succeeded.

UserServiceProject (2) Project created

Specify a Relative File

pars project submit --file ./samples/AuthServiceWebApi.yaml
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created

Specify an Absolute Directory

pars project submit --file C:/samples/
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj (in 239 ms). Restore succeeded.

LogServiceProject (1) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\UserService\UserService.csproj (in 225 ms). Restore succeeded.

UserServiceProject (2) Project created

Specify an Absolute File

pars project submit --file C:/samples/AuthServiceWebApi.yaml
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created

Specify Multiple Files or Directories

pars project submit --file ./samples/AuthServiceWebApi.yaml --file ./samples/LogServiceWebApi.yaml
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\workspace\codebase\LogService\LogService.csproj (in 239 ms). Restore succeeded.

LogServiceProject (1) Project created


  • Datatype: boolean
  • Type: boolean
  • Multiplicity: Optional
  • Default: false
  • Description: Register existing project manifests without physically creating new projects
  • Valid Values: true, false


The --no-init flag is used to indicate that the specified project models should only be registered with the parser and not physically created. This flag is useful when you have predefined project configurations that you want to make known to the parser without initiating the creation process.


  • The --no-init flag can be used in commands where you need to register existing projects.
  • Ensure that the project models provided are valid and accessible to avoid errors during the registration process.
  • This flag is beneficial for scenarios where project configurations already exist and you want to reintroduce them to the parser for further operations without creating new projects.

pars project submit --file C:/samples/AuthServiceWebApi.yaml
AuthServiceProject (0) Project created


  • Aliases -w
  • Datatype: workspace
  • Type: text
  • Multiplicity: Optional
  • Default: current_workspace
  • Validation Rules: Existing workspace names
  • Description: Describe project in the specified workspace

💡 If you don't specify workspace name, by default pars get current workspace details


The --workspace flag is used to specify the workspace from which you want to create projects. This flag helps you focus on the projects within a particular workspace.


  • The --workspace flag is used in commands where you need to create projects within a specific workspace.
  • Ensure that the workspace name provided is valid and recognized by Pars to avoid errors during the creation process.
  • This flag is beneficial for scenarios where you need to review or manage projects within a particular workspace.

You can use suggestions to list available workspaces. To do this, simply press Tab to proceed. For more details, please visit our Workspace Autocompletion and Filtering Guide.


pars project submit --file ./samples/AuthServiceWebApi.yaml --workspace MyWorkspace
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\MyWorkspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj: Determining projects to restore... Restored C:\MyWorkspace\codebase\AuthService\AuthService.csproj (in 1.51 sec). Restore succeeded.

AuthServiceProject (0) Project created